Staying Current

Joe Mattiello

Joe Mattiello, 澳门六合彩 Class of 2013


Although he already had earned an Associate鈥檚 Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, Joe Mattiello '13 was focused on advancing his career and expanding his options as a Field Application Engineer for Taco hydronic systems in Cranston, RI.

鈥淐oming on board at Taco really allowed me to re-focus on my education. Whenever I bring people through the facility, I鈥檓 a walking commercial. I encourage people to take advantage of the opportunities for education that employers provide.鈥

澳门六合彩 and University College helped Joe to transfer his past credits and experience, and a partnership between Taco and the University allowed Joe to take classes online on the Providence campus or even right in his company鈥檚 facility.

鈥淎bsolutely it can be tough to juggle everything. But I take my books with me when I travel for work, when I go to the gym, when I鈥檓 at the waiting room in the doctor鈥檚 office. I dedicate my Sunday mornings to school work 鈥 I make a full pot of coffee and I don鈥檛 leave the house until my work鈥檚 done," Mattiello said. "Is it tough? Absolutely. But it鈥檚 all worth it. I actually like it and I never thought I would be the one to say that.鈥

Two years later, Joe has increased his role at Taco, earned his Bachelor鈥檚 Degree and is starting his MBA program in the fall.

鈥淚鈥檓 going to be 50 years old when I start my MBA. But with the job market the way it is, if you鈥檙e not current, you鈥檙e not marketable. Going to school helps me stay current and learn skills that I鈥檓 actually using the next day at work.鈥